Thursday, December 16, 2010

Myths About Bankruptcy

You may hear different things about filing bankruptcy every time you turn around. It may be that not everything you have ever heard about it is actually even true. You need to make for certain you do the proper research when taking on any tasks you have never taken on before. You can find so much of the information you are looking for right on the internet if you just take the time out to look for it.

There are some things about bankruptcy that is absolutely not true. One of those being that all of your debts could possibly be erased forever after filing for a Chapter 7 bankruptcy protection. That could not be any more untrue. Some of the debts that you have had do not have the ability of being erased from your credit because they in fact have to be paid off, things such as student loans or child support.

Some of those commercials you see about filing bankruptcy being pain free or easy, do not believe the hype. There is nothing about filing bankruptcy that is going to be easy or pain free. It is going to be very stressful and extremely draining going through all the processes necessary in getting everything completed. This can cost you your job and even attach a terrible label across your forehead to many people that find out about it. Things such as bankruptcy have been partly to blame for many failed marriages all around.

Bankruptcy can actually stay on your credit report for as long as 10 years or more. I am talking about something really serious here people. You need to weigh out all other options that you have before choosing to file for bankruptcy in hopes that it is your "easy" way out of financial pile ups. Try going to visit a financial consultant or checking out some books in the library to research what you may be able to do to improve your current financial burdens. There are attorneys out their that can give you advice, you just have to be willing to pay a high price, otherwise you should consider filing for bankruptcy on your own, if you decide to do so. Like I said before though, really make sure this is something that you will not end up being sorry for doing down the road. It will be too late.

Do not depend on filing bankruptcy for any other reasons than, you absolutely have no choice in the matter what so ever! It can be far more damaging than good. It has the ability to affect your life for many many years down the road. This must be a last resort for sure. Do not believe everything that you hear, bankruptcy is not for everyone, it is not always the answer in regaining your financial freedoms. It will not turn your credit rating all the way around, there is no guarantee about that, so remember when considering your options, think long and hard about what else you might could do in helping you get your life back in order.

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